Render farm details
Type | |
Country | UAE |
Cores per node | 64 cores |
CPUs per node | 1 CPUs |
CPU description | AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X |
RAM per node | 128 GBGB |
Number of nodes | 120 |
Power description | CPU AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3970X |
Price comment | $0.001 per GHzh ($30 free trial for new users) |
Discount options | Up to 30% additional bonus |
Fully automated | True |
Payment options | PayPal, Visa/MasterCard |
Support options | 24/7/365 Support ticket, LiveChat, Skype, Email |
Upload options | Cloud Client Application
Download options | Cloud Client Application
Contact | |
Website | |
Update | March 11, 2025 |
More details:
At Alpha Render Farm we offer you legal and easy to use cloud rendering. We also offer powerful render farm capabilities to KeyShot users.
For CPU rendering, the render farm operates with AMD's Threadripper 3970X at our render cloud.
Considering our impressive cloud computing power you will receive your render jobs in an extraordinarily short time - with discounts of up to 30%.
3 simple steps to start