Render farm details

classic render

Country Denmark
Cores per node 8 cores
CPUs per node 2 CPUs
CPU description Dual Xeon
RAM per node 16GB
Number of nodes 17
Power description 438 Ghz CPU´s renderpower
Price per Ghz-hr $0.04
Price comment 0,30 Dkr. (0,04 €) pr. Ghz
Discount options

Call or e-mail for offers, we are always fair and helpful.

Fully automated True
Payment options

Companies are invoiced. Private customers have to prepay by paypal

Support options

e-mail, Skype, phone

Upload options

FTP upload. Filetransfer services.

Download options

FTP download or WeTransfer

Update June 29, 2016

More details:

– Send your 3D scenes to us and let our renderfarm do the job, while you can focus on your project. – Fast FTP download of frames and upload of materials. 100/100 Mbit fiber. – We check and test all scenes before rendering to guarantee that your output is as expected. No black frames! – Very competitive rates – 0.30 DKK (0.04 EUR) per 1 GHz/hour. – Rendering is NOT web-based. Rendering is only per agreement (via mail or phone). – Currently we have 17 Dual Xeon/ 3.0 GHz/ 16 GB RAM/ Windows 7 (64 bit) or equivalent and growing.

This is the way works.
- We are submitting your jobs manually. This means that you CAN NOT render jobs yourself on the farm.
- We will do a small size test of each of your frames.
- We will "guesstimate" a time to render your job and the price.
- When you have approved the image output and the price, we render your job.
- If possible we will give you an ETA of your render job after submission.
- We charge a minimum of 50 Euro pr. renderjob, this will be added to the RAW render time.

- We create an FTP account for you.
- You HAVE TO login using the user+password we generate for you.
- Under the folder "RenderFarmOutput" you will find your folder. (Usually your company name)
- You have two folders: UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD

Here you upload YOUR (3DS Max / Maya / Softimage / Rhino / SketchUp) scene(s) + ALL needed assets. (texture maps, lightcaches, proxies, ies profiles and so forth)

Here you download the finished frames. You CAN NOT upload or create folders here.

- 3ds Max: Pack everything into one folder, containing ALL scenes + assets - Upload that folder
- Maya: Upload the complete Project folder including all subfolders. If files outside the Project Path is used, upload these as well.
- Softimage: Upload the complete Projects folder including all subfolders. If files outside the Project Path is used, upload these as well.
- Rhino: Pack everything into one folder, containing ALL scenes + assets - Upload that folder
- SketchUp: Pack everything into one folder, containing ALL scenes + assets. This could be just one .skp file with embedded maps, (ies light profiles are NOT embedded). - Upload that folder

- Prepare and setup the scene including render settings / output sizes / output format AS IF you would render it yourself - THEN upload the scene file(s)
- The scenename will be the output filename

- Upload 1 small size image of each frames to be rendered as a reference to the final output (lighting)
- Please add a TXT file describing the render job (eg. Render CAM001+CAM_Total at 2000 * 2000 pixels)

Multiframe rendering:

3ds Max / Maya / Softimage (animations / multiple stills)
Set the desired frame range

Rhino (multiple stills)
Create named view for all the views you want rendered, and make sure they are ALL visible (floating windows) in the Rhino scene when saving.

SketchUp (multiple stills)
Make one scene per view you want rendered. And with V-Ray you have to make a NEW scene that is placed as the first scene, pointing the camera AWAY from the scene, so it renders fast because V-Ray will render the first scene twice (a bug in V-Ray / SketchUp).



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anonymous_146 May 4, 2014
10:32 a.m.
I have a project (Rhinoceros) needs rendering (good &amp; need it in 24 hour the fastest way possible) how can you help me. important is the Privacy.
anonymous_145 Oct. 12, 2013
3:48 a.m.
If you output the scene as a vray scenefile, then we can render your Mac made scene, I believe.
Walter Vestergaard, owner of
anonymous_92 July 23, 2013
6:59 a.m.
i have a Mac-based Vray file. Is it ok to render it?

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