Render farm details

RANCH Computing CPU + GPU Renderfarm

Country France
Cores per node 84 cores
CPUs per node 2 CPUs
CPU description Powerful AMD EPYC 7763 and 9754 Bergamo CPUs (CPUFarm)
RAM per node 240Gb to 1000 GbGB
Number of nodes 1000
Power description CPU: brand new AMD EPYC 7763, 9754 and 9965 || GPU: hundreds 3090 and 4090, 24 GB VRAM!
Price per Ghz-hr $0.011
Price comment € 0.011 per Ghz.H and €0.005 per OB-Hour || + €30 of free trial
Discount options

Up to 70% bonus render credits thanks to the prepaid refills!

Fully automated True
Payment options

Credit Card, PayPal or wire transfer payment.

PO orders, delayed payment possible.

Support options

Skype, e-mails, phone calls and TeamViewer/AnyDesk sessions.

The team is available for any urgency during evenings and week-ends!

Upload options

RANCHecker tool, Web Interface

Download options

RANCHSync, CloudFlare, FTP, Https, Smash.

Update Feb. 26, 2025

More details:

CPU/GPU RenderFarm with the best Price-Performance ratio!

-Projects processed by highly-optimized software algorithms to maximize computing power allocation and reduce waiting time.

-Brand New Super Powerful CPU AMD EPYC Milan, Bergamo and Turin machines!

-RTX 3090 and 4090 cards with 24 Gb VRAM.

-Automated 24/7!

-Great customer service by 3D professionals!

-Free software to prepare and download your projects!

-30 € free trial - no watermarks!

-Academic Offer: 50% off for students and teachers!

-You can also rent remotely CPU and/or GPU servers from the RANCH!


RANCH Computing Renderfarm April 20, 2017
7:50 a.m.
Hi Sudarshan,

Thanks for your interest in our service.
Please contact us by e-mail at or

There is no support on this website.
This kind of still images will be insanely fast to render on the RANCH (probably a couple of minutes) for a very affordable price (a few euros) I assume.

Looking forward to hearing from you by e-mail.

Sudarshan Poojary April 20, 2017
7:37 a.m.
I am an interior designer working in 3dmax Vray.I need to know how much it cost to render one highrez image 3000x2064 size.My system takes more than 24 hours because its not a high end pc "AMD Athlon IIx2 270 Processor"
Can you please help me on this. I will be also doing some lowrez test rendering also before doing final
vu hai tuan March 17, 2017
1:20 a.m.
anonymous_128 Oct. 28, 2015
10:04 a.m.
Hi there,

My name is Devonne and I’m from an office design company in South Africa called Trend Group,
I’d like to know how much would it cost to open up a render account with you.

We are currently uploading our models to the Autodesk cloud server to render however the renders take extremely long sometimes up to 10hours and half the time fail to render because an so called ‘error’ occurred.

We can’t afford to work like this and we would like to know how quickly your farms render?
Please get back to me asap, we will be using your servers a lot if they render quick enough.

Thank you,
Kind Regards
anonymous_127 Aug. 19, 2015
1:28 p.m.
Thanks a lot, guys!
anonymous_126 June 1, 2015
9:57 a.m.
Just a quick note to say thanks for offering such a great service (especially the checker tools). You've actually made it possibly to stop mid project and render on the farm without having to spend loads of time preparing files and splitting projects up. You have saved me from missing deadlines and wasting weekends returning to a single PC edging through renders one by one.
A great service at a price that actually makes it possible for me as a sole trader to use the service without having to quote and test render times or worry that I could lose money in the process of rendering with you.
The pay as you go safe works really well, in an age when everyone wants monthly subscription it gets more and more expensive having to pay for services that I only use when I need to.
I really appreciate everything you are doing and the way you do it. Please don't go changing!
Best regards
anonymous_125 March 5, 2015
2:55 p.m.
Hey Guys, a have a 3ds Max mental ray scene i need rendered by Saturday. It is 6,280 frames in length. How much and is this doable. Please email me ASAP. Thanks
anonymous_124 Oct. 31, 2014
12:40 p.m.
I highly recommend the Ranch services! The guys were very responsive and fast. My animation has been rendered within 1 hour instead of 2 months on my Core i7!! For a very affordable price. Thanks again for everything. I should be back soon :). Cheers.

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