Render farm details

classic render RENDERFARM.RO - Your MANAGED CPU & GPU Renderfarm ✓

Country Romania
Cores per node 128 cores
CPUs per node 2 CPUs
CPU description INTEL Cascade Lake and AMD Epyc Rome CPUs available
RAM per node up to 224 GB/node | High-mem nodes up to 3700.GB
Number of nodes 5000
Power description CPU nodes with 32 up to 128 cores | GPU nodes up to 8x Tesla T4, P100 or V100
Price comment €0.033 /CORE /hour | €0.005 /OB /hour | Unlimited Free Testing
Discount options

As low as €0.033 /CORE /hour | €0.005 /OB /hour | Unlimited Free Testing

Payment options

PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, BANK SWIFT

Support options; Skype:

Upload options

Web site, FTP

Download options

Web site, FTP

Update March 6, 2025

More details:

✓ 50% bonus render credits for Academia & NGOs

✓ AiUpScale™ your render up to 600% without loosing quality

✓ We can deliver a custom render pipeline specifically designed for your workflow

✓ Fast, affordable, great customer service and manual check-up of your scenes on request


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